Tuesday Morning
Good Morning Friends,
I'm up early, after spending most of last night asleep in my rocking chair. I don't dare go back to bed. I need to be at Colleen's later this morning to play with Frankie while she goes to the hairdresser. She's getting highlights and a haircut. She hasn't had highlights since prior to her pregnancy with Izzy.
Then, after I get home I need to work on my Bible study for tonight. I'd also like to get some tidying done around here. Colleen manages to keep her house spotless, while prepping and teaching three college classes, and caring for three kids, with Franklin being a toddler. My place is a disaster. She got her work ethic from her Dad. Me, I have practically none of that. My sister makes me look great, which is hard to believe.
This evening go to my Bible study at church. I offered a friend from church a ride to attend coz she doesn't have a car. She's living with her Mom, and is on SSI. She's around my age, and seems extremely lonely. We're just getting to know each other. I'm hoping she joins up, because I believe she would really benefit from this study.
When I woke up my lower back was killing me, and it really shouldn't. Not sure if I'm due for a shot there, coz I can't remember when I got my last shot there. I took some pain meds, and decided to sit down for a little while till that kick in. I was hoping to get some tidying done before heading to Colleen's, but that has to wait for now.
Just took a break to grab some coffee, and heard from my friend. She's not coming to the Bible study tonight. Please pray for her. She seems very depressed. I'm just getting to know her, and would really like to help her out as a friend does. I've been where she is, and have been blessed by my friendship with my friend, Ruth.
When Ruth's daughter passed away last month, I decided to wait for a few weeks after the last memorial service they held in her memory, as I usually do. It's been my habit to wait, and always send either a flowering plant, or a dish garden. I wait, because the friends who are grieving usually receive a ton of flowers at the service, which get thrown away after a few weeks. I send some sort of plant, so that it lasts as a continuing reminder that their deceased loved one is alive in the presence of the Lord. I also make sure I get a local florist to prepare my order. Well, I heard from Teleflora yesterday, and what I first ordered, a unique plant, wasn't available in her area. I called the number the gave me in the e-mail, and was able order a dish garden before they prepared a regular flower arrangement, which would just get pitched in a couple of weeks. Ruth sent me a pic of what she received, and loved it. I'm thrilled. It was a dish garden with hardy looking plants, with a flowering African violet. Since she lives near Orlando, she plans for put it out near her pool once the scorching heat cools down.
Speaking of plants, I brought my Christmas cacti in yesterday, cleaned them up, and have to get them into my basement, in the hopes of having them bloom this winter. My friend Beryl gave me tips for caring for them. She had the most awesome cacti that blossomed like crazy. She always had them outside in the summer, and then in the dark for a few weeks, till they bloom. Once I did that, mine bloomed like crazy. I had to do some serious trimming back when I brought them in. Sometime today, I need to bring my gardenias in, trim them and clean them up, in the hopes of saving them for next spring. I've been a plant addict since high school, and I worked at Woolworth, usually at the register between the music department, where I got to stack my favorite albums and the houseplants.
Always praying.
Love and hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and my sistas!
Trish, I have so enjoyed reading your posts from last night and this morning! You always have such interesting things going on. I'm sorry that you are still having so much pain, but gee, you sure don't let it slow you down. You are making such memories with your Munchkins! I know they love having you in their lives. I can't remember? What do they call you?
Today is travel day for us. I'm in the midst of packing, but at this point, I pretty well have it down to a science. I know exactly what we need to bring for 3 days and I don't have to think too hard about it. We will leave here at 11 a.m. and take Patty Kate down to Christie's house. Then we'll be on our way to Houston. Plan to get there between 3 and 4 p.m. Ahead of the evening traffic, but late enough that the room should be ready. Last time we got there too early and had to wait in the lobby for over an hour for the room to be ready.
I'm taking some of my crochet with me this time. We will be in Houston for an extra day, and hopefully I can get some more little sweater pieces made. I won't try to sew them all together until we get home. I have all the little pieces made for the aqua sweater. Now I'll make a yellow sweater. I already made the little aqua booties and cap, and the little yellow booties and cap. I need to work on the pink bunny blanket, too, but that's too big to easily carry around to the different waiting rooms. Got the shower invitation yesterday, and I need to have everything made and ready to ship off by the 1st of October. The shower is on Oct 11th. It's in Dallas and I won't get to go, but I can have my stuff there in time.
Just found out that Christie's childhood BFF is expecting her second baby, so I need to make something for Katie. And just this morning, our nephew and his wife announced that they are having a baby in March. Lots of crochet projects coming up!
I just ordered the cutest pattern for a Fox Hat and Scarf Set for my boys for Christmas. Oh, it's just the cutest thing for little boys. I'll make Benny and Budder each a set. You can look it up on Annie's Attic if you're interested. Christie is just crazy about foxes!
I wish I still had my grandmother's fox stole. I'll have to ask Mom if she still has it. It fascinated me as a child. It was very thick and luxurious, but the part that fascinated me was the fox's head was still attached! Yikes! Very 1930's!
Well, need to run. Please pray that we get some positive test results from the chemo this time. I'll post on Thursday if I can and let y'all know what the doctor says. I'll also post on Care Pages.
Love you all!
Afternoon OFF family!!!
Trish you need to bottle up some of your energy and send me some!!! LOL
Vic Prayers for Butch that this round goes as smooth if not smoother then last one!!!! Safe trip!!!
Carla...Good Luck!!!! Hope things are found to be OK!!!! Worried about you!!!!
Me...I am learning MORE today for my work on the PC...YIPPEEEE Another manager is teaching me how to do things...she asked me HOW I have been doing the recerts when I haven't been making the packets out on the PC!! I told her I have been doing the same way I have been BEFORE the PC!!!!! DUH!!!!!!! Since I seem to be the "forgotten one" how else was I supposed to do it?????? They got done and sent in and oh well.....so now I am being taught...great..... Plus learning to do work orders...
she wants me to go back since first of the YEAR and put them in!!!!!!!!!! WTF?????????? I told her yeah right!!!!!! I would start This MONTH and put them in...they think I have nothing better to do???????? Just because THEY have been taught way back when or are PC SMART.......anyhow that's my day so far...
Looking like we might get some rain soon...not sure because I haven't seen any weather reports...just looking at the sky is all.
Mentioned I was going to Bingo Saturday night...Rick said my mom and Peggy are coming this weekend...yeah so? Your mom will be on the couch watching Sci-Fi and you and Peggy will be on the patio smoking and drinking...I am going to Bingo for a couple hours.....oh ok. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Did I mention that Michael and his Leach girlfriend broke up? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She has texted him so many times that he is sick of it!! I told him to text her back and tell her next one will be from the police for her harassing him!!! That should stop her!!! If not...call the police and report her!!!!!!!! He said he would!!!
Well need to check out FB and see whats happening there...I still can't get my NORTON to work there...HELP!!!!!! Anyone???
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
People are busy here already. I've been up since 7 a.m. ... way too early for me but I got up coughing and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and made coffee and had breakfast. Chatted on FB with Richard for awhile, read the paper ... descaled my Keurig, got rid of some newspapers and junk mail. Not really busy but some things that needed to be done.
So it's my weekend ... have an appointment with my psychologist and then I'm going to take an old TV and a computer battery to a free electronics recycling place. Then I have to go to the grocery store and pick up something for Richard. Then back home. Not much else planned. Trying to get things picked up around here. My cleaning lady lost her full-time job, so she's planning on coming here Thursday morning. I want to get that spare room cleaned out because Richard may be moving in soon.
Otherwise, no big plans. Hopefully, a nap or two. Have a good day ... Carla, enjoy the EGD. Vickie, hope the hospital visit and chemo go as well as they can. Judy, isn't computer learning so much fun? Trish, you do more than I could ever do. My last back shot didn't do anything for me.
Good afternoon Trish and everyone....
Nothing happening here. I made myself go to a party for one of our new employees here. People were bugging me to go, so I did. I wasn't in the mood.
I am doing okay...the weather is beautiful today. The temp is 69 degrees. So much better then those 40 degree days we were having!
I read all your posts but I just don't have the energy to answer them today. You know I care very much about all of you! Just not a good day for me today!
Wishing you all a good rest of the day!
Prayers for our great OFF Family!!! Special prayers for Butch and Vickie!
Love and many HUGS.....connie d